Successful Kids' Behaviour Management Is About Crisis Prevention Not Crisis Management!!

By Liz Marsden

I encourage people to visit my classes, particularly after I've delivered behaviour management training in their schools. They observe to see the successful strategies in action. The kids are fine with it - it's so normal in our class, that they just accept it as normal!

As the adults watch, I hear them whispering to one another - great, it shows they're formulating questions to ask. I encourage them to question me because I want people to understand what I do and why I act in a particular way with the children.

One of the observers today had a very relevant question... Her class were starting to show low level unacceptable behaviours after starting off well at the start of term. She knew she had to do something to stop the incessant talking in class, poor effort, low achievement, but what?

I was delighted to offer advice on what she should do - it won't be difficult to sort out. I was impressed by her honesty - it can be hard to admit to others that you're having some difficulties managing classroom behaviour.

If this teacher doesn't act very soon she'll be following the example of so many who leave things too late and the result is managing a crisis that should and could have been avoided.

Successful behaviour management is all about preventing a behaviour crisis, not managing a crisis. It's all about acting at the right time, using your voice and body language effectively. It's about setting ground rules and sticking to them consistently.

This teacher felt that things in her class hadn't got bad enough to take action, but it's so important that you act before things get to a crisis point - it makes life so much easier, for you and the children.

Effective behaviour management is pretty easy - take the effective strategies on board, practise them and use them consistently and you'll get the results you want - sooner than you think! Stress levels will drop, kids will accept your authority and be confident in you - life just improves beyond measure.

If you visited my classes you'd see happy, relaxed and well mannered kids - you'd scratch your head and wonder what they're doing in a behaviour unit. But, believe me they're all historically horrendously behaved in their mainstream schools... hard to believe if you saw them! They're brilliant, happy kids... - 31984

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Here Are A Few Thoughts On How To Improve Self Esteem

By Eve Francis

One thing that we all learn at an early age is how to interact with others and because we are human and possess a bevy of emotions and esteem building raw materials, how those other humans react to us is all important in constructing our feelings toward ourselves. We learn that it is important to be a good listener and treat others fairly, and very definitely the way our parents treated us as infants and then children played a big part in our formation of our picture of ourselves and our feelings of self worth.

When we were kids, we never took classes or even thought about how to improve our self esteem---we didn't even know what self esteem meant---and making a good first impression or being a good listener or giving the other fellow the benefit of the doubt was just something you did to make yourself liked. That's what it all boils down to----acting and speaking with others in such a way that they like being around you, and when this dawns on you, you like having them around and it makes you feel good about yourself deep inside.

There are zillions of books in print molding away on bookshelves all over the world, telling us the ins and outs of how to improve our self esteem, but in reality all we need to know us the Golden Rule, and practice it. Good self esteem comes from feeling positively about your station in life and interacting with others in a positive way so they in turn feel the same about you. A negative self esteem is when you feel you have no purpose in life, and disdain the life you are living----quite often this feeling is accompanied by depression and listlessness, and who wants to spend much time around someone feeling like that.

Let everyone sit and think a moment and inevitably they can think of someone they have known in their past that was full of life and exuberance and very positive in their thinking, and yet physically they were extremely unattractive (as society would define the word). How did someone like that learn how to improve their self esteem to the point that people gravitated to them just to be around them and wanted to spend time with them. Folks like that have worked on their self esteem by employing the Golden Rule and living it----because when you become a good listener, are concerned about others' welfare, and genuinely like people; your actions convey that about you that you treat others as you would want to be treated.

Learning how to improve self esteem is not a hard lesson to tackle; one of the biggest hurdles for a lot of people is to get over dwelling on folks' outward appearances and the emphasis that so many people place on them. If we would all be a little more human toward each other and a little less critical of the things that don't matter all that much on the universal scale of life, then we would all have very positive images of ourselves and there would be little or no need for classes in how to improve self esteem and the like.

How to improve self esteem is a lesson that we are learning almost all of our lives on this planet. We start out as a blank slate as far as feelings about ourselves, and as we grow and interact with others, we begin to develop an image of ourselves as others react to us and whether or not they want to be around us; and this gradual self awareness of the actions of others begins to define how we feel about ourselves in a positive or negative way----in other words, our self esteem.

Your self esteem is a powerful factor in how well you succeed or not in life, and for those who for whatever reasons have a very negative esteem; learning how to improve self esteem is vital in order to produce the results that they feel would ensure them a happier life. As humans, we are very complicated animals, and the fact that we can think and rationalize and emote, produces sometimes some very anguishing battles fought internally. Only when one comes to terms with his self esteem and does something to change how he feels about himself, can true long term betterment of his situation be realized. - 31984

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Tips To Gain Self Confidence And How You Can Make It Work

By Trevor Johnson

I always thought myself as a very weak person but within time I learned to gain self confidence. It took self control, discipline, tears and sweat, but today I am where I always wanted to be and walk can now walk with my head held high.

I knew I had to better my general knowledge and took a few courses in subjects that interested me. I started reading many self help books and spoke to many successful people, who in turn guided me to make the right choices.

Let's have a look at some of the areas I addressed immediately:

Read as many articles everywhere and anything you can lay your hands on to improve your knowledge which automatically gives you power.

When in company, listen and learn about topics being discussed, and before participating in conversations take time to absorb and think about the topic before contributing.

I read that it was important to make eye contact with a person whilst speaking to them. This assured the person that you are interested in their conversation as well and would automatically lend you their ear on other occasions.

Write down all the positive and negative attributes you can think of about yourself. Work on erasing the negative points until you are left with only positive input.

This list I displayed everywhere in my home and was always reminded of my good qualities and skills. I eventually believed myself and could be proud of my achievements. I also made a smaller list and placed it in my jacket pocket and looked at it constantly.

As I gained my newly found confidence, I needed to share it with someone who was in the same position as I was. This automatically helped me gain self confidence by assisting the person concerned as one of the best ways to reinforce newly learned skills is to teach other people. As you share your ideas, you'll pick up extra tips and tricks that you can use yourself. - 31984

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Advice On How To Gain Self Confidence

By Trevor Johnson

I went through life thinking I was a looser and never had anything to contribute to society. I realized as time went by that I would have to address this problem as it became debilitating and caused me to loose many good jobs. To this end I began my journey to gain self confidence and change my life around.

I knew I had to better my general knowledge and took a few courses in subjects that interested me. I started reading many self help books and spoke to many successful people, who in turn guided me to make the right choices.

I would love to share a few of the important points with you:

Read as many articles everywhere and anything you can lay your hands on to improve your knowledge which automatically gives you power.

When in company, listen and learn about topics being discussed, and before participating in conversations take time to absorb and think about the topic before contributing.

Get involved in a topic that you are well versed in. In so doing, people would want to listen to your opinions or suggestions. This is a great way to boost your confidence.

Also another very useful tip is to make a list of all the negative attributes you can identify with, or ask friends to help you with this list as well. Likewise, do the same with a list of positive skills or attributes you have. I then systematically aimed to reduce the negatives on my list until there were none left.

This list I displayed everywhere in my home and was always reminded of my good qualities and skills. I eventually believed myself and could be proud of my achievements. I also made a smaller list and placed it in my jacket pocket and looked at it constantly.

As I gained my newly found confidence, I needed to share it with someone who was in the same position as I was. This automatically helped me gain self confidence by assisting the person concerned as one of the best ways to reinforce newly learned skills is to teach other people. As you share your ideas, you'll pick up extra tips and tricks that you can use yourself. - 31984

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Improving Self Confidence? 5 Easy Ways To Improve Self-confidence

By Trevor Johnson

Improving self confidence is one of the most important favors that you can to for yourself. By raising your self-esteem, you get to value and love yourself more. When you feel such, you feel good about yourself, and other people would also see your positive outlook in life.

Confidence begins the moment you feel good about yourself. The moment you start to believe in the things you can do, you become better while you do them. You get to show people that you know what you do, thus effectively boosting your self-esteem and your self-confidence.

Improving self confidence is not quite hard - here are some common things that people do to feel confident about themselves.

1. Getting a new look - when you alter your look, you start to feel better from the outside. You see a new person when you look in the mirror, and this helps in boosting your self-esteem and self-assurance. Look the part, and feel the part.

2. Start noticing the things you like about yourself, and not those which you hate. You might say that you hate your body because you are fat, but then you have clear and smooth skin; start looking at your clear and smooth skin and don. 't mind being a bit on the chubby side.

3. Telling themselves words of praises - so what if you start your day by looking in the mirror and saying, 'hey hottie' ? There is nothing wrong with telling yourself how good you are because these little words help in improving self confidence.

4. Don. 't be afraid to take compliments, and to thank people for them. Most people reject complements but you should simply be thankful for them. Those little words are great boosts for confidence.

5. Getting things which make you feel confident - some things make you feel you have more worth and can really make your confidence soar. It may be a simple fountain pen, or a nice and elegant watch. Give yourself things which make you feel secured - it helps in improving self confidence. - 31984

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Rebuilding Lack Of Self Confidence

By Trevor Johnson

Self confidence defined easily is basically the way one feels about himself/herself. It is not a difficult task to spot a person who possesses a lack of self confidence. It is noticeable in the way they present themselves, treat others, relate to others and act around others. Such an individual may reflect lack of self esteem in various ways. It is important for someone with low self confidence to recognize the problem so they may get the help needed to feel good about who they are and to be confident.

It is not too hard to know a person has lack of self confidence. They may speak negative words about themselves and others. Physically, they may not dress as they really should. They may not put in any special effort in the workplace and it will reflect on their job performance and evaluations. Not having confidence can also be seen physically as the person may neglect taking care of themselves. Sometimes help has to be sought in order to gain self confidence.

A person with a lack of self confidence also endures mental and emotional challenges as well. A person who lacks self confidence usually becomes or has been sad and it may take a very long time for the individual to start seeing the brighter side of life. The person may feel hopeless, disappointed, frustrated, etc. For some time and may require professional help from a counselor, social worker, minister or psychiatrist to find methods to feel hopeful and confident again.

They may speak negative words about themselves and others. Physically, they may not dress as they really should. They may not put in any special effort in the workplace and it will reflect on their job performance and evaluations. Not having confidence can also be seen physically as the person may neglect taking care of themselves. Sometimes help has to be sought in order to gain self confidence.

As soon as a person gains self confidence, their attitudes change. They are more eager to participate in activities, more excited to speak in public, not afraid to take charge of tasks and assignments and on a daily basis keep trying to reinforce what they have learned while gaining their self confidence back again. Social life, work life and personal life all improves.

As soon as a person who is not confident gets out of denial about the problem and seeks help, the sooner they can have some confidence and display it in their daily life. A person can be deceitful about having confidence but many catch on to the act quickly. It is a myth that someone can not gain self confidence once they lose it because with the right support network and the support of family and friends, it can be done. Life is more blissful with happiness and self confidence in place. - 31984

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Improving Self Confidence Will Change Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

Self confidence is extremely important for you to succeed and achieve great things in life. However many people struggle to find it - they're always putting themselves down and feeling worried. The good news is that there are many ways of improving self confidence.

Self confidence is made up of two key factors, self-efficacy and self-esteem. We gain a sense of self-efficacy when we can see ourselves doing well in something and reaching our goals. This does overlap with self-esteem which is a more general idea that we are able to cope with the things that are happening in our lives and that we have a reason and right to be happy.

Self confident people are in control of their own lives and believe in themselves. They evaluate themselves realistically and know what they are capable of and set out to accomplish that.

It may sound crazy but one way of improving self confidence it to try leading yourself to think that you are better than you feel. Talk positively to your self and even spend a moment every day looking in the mirror and smiling to yourself.

The way you come across to other people shows how self confident you are. To give off the right impression, try getting a new haircut or buying a new outfit. If you feel good about the way you look and if you are comfortable in your own skin then you will be more approachable and open to others. Walk up tall, hold your head high and speak clearly whilst keeping eye contact.

When you feel good about yourself you will radiate self confidence and this will make help you to inspire confidence in others. A great new haircut or some well fitting clothes can always do the trick. If you dress appropriately you will lessen the chance of feeling out of place and this will make you more secure. Feeling good about your body image will help too so hit the gym or just get a little bit of exercise or fresh air.

Remember that this process is not going to happen over night, it may take a long time. During this course make sure you stay focused on your goal and remain positive. Make sure that you use your family and friends to lean on during hard times. Be open and talk to them about what you are going through and what you aim to achieve. - 31984

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Five Simple Things To Do In Improving Self Confidence

By Trevor Johnson

When improving self confidence, you must keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself and for your self-esteem. You value yourself, and you get to love yourself even more When you do that, other people see that you are quite confident with yourself.

Feeling better about yourself is the first way to being a better person. The moment you believe in yourself, you actually become better in everything you do and you tell people that you know what you do. It gives you confidence and assurance with your skills and talents.

Improving self confidence is not quite hard - here are some common things that people do to feel confident about themselves.

1. Getting a new look - when you alter your look, you start to feel better from the outside. You see a new person when you look in the mirror, and this helps in boosting your self-esteem and self-assurance. Look the part, and feel the part.

2. Start noticing the things you like about yourself, and not those which you hate. You might say that you hate your body because you are fat, but then you have clear and smooth skin; start looking at your clear and smooth skin and don. 't mind being a bit on the chubby side.

3. Telling themselves words of praises - so what if you start your day by looking in the mirror and saying, 'hey hottie' ? There is nothing wrong with telling yourself how good you are because these little words help in improving self confidence.

4. Taking people's compliments - do not bow down and say, "not really" when somebody says you look nice. Thank the person for the compliment - and believe in it.

5. Getting things which make you feel confident - some things make you feel you have more worth and can really make your confidence soar. It may be a simple fountain pen, or a nice and elegant watch. Give yourself things which make you feel secured - it helps in improving self confidence. - 31984

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Knowing How To Build Self Confidence

By Trevor Johnson

Knowing how to build self confidence has been a concern for the general public for quite some time. Healthy social interaction requires that individuals feel secure with themselves.

I will examine this topic, going over a variety of knowledge that is integral to building confidence. Hopefully, the specific methods and measures that will be discussed can help those looking to improve their self-image.

Success: Everyone can be successful at something. Finding what you excel at can help you improve your overall self-image. It doesn't matter how large or small the first few successes you notice are, because the cliche success breeds success is actually true.

Maintenance: Dressing fashionably can certainly assist you in improving your confidence. Also, having good hygiene and grooming habits can help.

Seeking out positive acquaintances: Being around positive people will help you avoid overly critical comments that can destroy self-esteem.

Eating and drinking healthy: Eating fruits and vegetables, and passing on sugar and excessive alcohol can help you to feel your best. Additionally, living healthy will assist you in growing old gracefully. This method will help the individual avoid early signs of aging.

Physical fitness: Proper exercise can improve your mood, help to rid you of excess stress, and improve your overall physical appearance. If the idea of visiting a gym doesn't appeal, even just walking a bit further will help. Or use the stairs rather than the elevator.

Attitude: Thinking positive thoughts learning not to obsess about things in life can also improve confidence. Being more relaxed will lead you to accept who you are with greater ease. Also, an easy trick to improving your mood is simply to smile more. People will react more pleasantly to you, and you in turn will be a more pleasant person.

Clearly there are many different approaches that one can take to improving self-confidence. Being positive, and conscious of healthy living are paramount to this task. It is my hope that the aforementioned suggestions will assist those people hoping to improve their self-image and their way of life. - 31984

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Knowing How To Build Self Confidence

By Trevor Johnson

Knowing how to build self confidence has been a concern for the general public for quite some time. Healthy social interaction requires that individuals feel secure with themselves.

In this article, I will look at the many different ways in which a person can increase self-confidence. I will touch on a variety of methods in hopes of assisting those in need.

Success: Finding something that you are good at can help you with your overall level of confidence and improve your feelings of self-worth. If necessary, start small and work up, Praise yourself even if no-one else does!

Maintenance: Proper hygiene and grooming habits will help you to feel clean and comfortable with yourself. Also, dressing yourself in a flattering way can boost your confidence.

Seeking out positive acquaintances: Friends who are complimentary are certainly preferable to those who offer subject you to excess criticism.

Eating and drinking healthy: If you want to feel your best, you should put the best things into your body. This means avoiding alcohol and sugar. This also means that fruits and vegetables are a must. This type of lifestyle can also help you look your best in the long run.

Physical fitness: Improving your body through exercise can certainly improve the way you feel about yourself. Exercise can also purge built-up stress and improve your mood. If you can't get to a gym regularly, walk further and take the stairs rather than the elevator.

Attitude: Thinking positive thoughts learning not to obsess about things in life can also improve confidence. Being more relaxed will lead you to accept who you are with greater ease. Also, an easy trick to improving your mood is simply to smile more. People will react more pleasantly to you, and you in turn will be a more pleasant person.

As you can see, there are a variety of concerns that one must examine in the quest to improve self-confidence. Taking care of oneself and employing a positive outlook are necessary practices to employ. Hopefully, by following the provided suggestions more individuals will manage to improve the way they view themselves, and their lives. - 31984

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How To Build Self Confidence With Ease

By Trevor Johnson

The question of how to build self confidence is an issue that has been around for an eternity. For as long as people have interacted with others, the need for oneself to feel assured has been a constant concern.

In this article, I will look at the many different ways in which a person can increase self-confidence. I will touch on a variety of methods in hopes of assisting those in need.

Success: Everyone can be successful at something. Finding what you excel at can help you improve your overall self-image. It doesn't matter how large or small the first few successes you notice are, because the cliche success breeds success is actually true.

Maintenance: Proper hygiene and grooming habits will help you to feel clean and comfortable with yourself. Also, dressing yourself in a flattering way can boost your confidence.

Seeking out positive acquaintances: Friends that have positive things to say can certainly brighten your day. These people are less likely to damage you with criticism as well.

Eating and drinking healthy: If you want to feel your best, you should put the best things into your body. This means avoiding alcohol and sugar. This also means that fruits and vegetables are a must. This type of lifestyle can also help you look your best in the long run.

Physical fitness: Improving your body through exercise can certainly improve the way you feel about yourself. Exercise can also purge built-up stress and improve your mood. If you can't get to a gym regularly, walk further and take the stairs rather than the elevator.

Attitude: Having a positive attitude is vital to improving your overall outlook on life. Becoming more relaxed, and learning to smile more often can have dramatic effects. If you can do this, you will find that not only do you feel better, but others will treat you better as well. At first, you may have to "fake it until you make it" but a positive attitude is a great help.

The suggestions above are many and may prove to be daunting for those looking to improve their self-confidence. However, by following these guidelines, people can not only become more self-assured, but can transform their lives into a more positive way of being as well. - 31984

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Building Confidence In Your Team

By Martin Haworth

Building confidence in your employees is very important, not just for you as a manager, but for the business as a whole. If you have employees who lack confidence you may not get the best performance out of them in the jobs they complete. This will lead to poor levels of confidence throughout the team and even organization as a whole.

Before you start looking to improve it, you need to investigate if they are lacking in it first. Through observing the behaviors of your employees as often as you can, by Walking around and just watching them every once in a while, you will stay in touch with what is going on with them.

If your employee brings up an idea with the prelude of "This may be dumb", or "This most likely won't work", Well those are signs they are not confident. By taking the time to let all your employees know that all ideas have merit, they will be less self-doubting when they do have the strength to bring things up.

Another clue might be if an employee sometimes becomes withdrawn or silent, especially when in a group setting, like meetings, or other team gatherings. This can also indicate that you have employees who are not confident working as they stand right now.

Talk to that employee by themselves and see if they will open up. If you find it has something to do with confidence, try and help out. Point out positive things that they do well and build their self-confidence by showing that you have confidence in them.

Those employees who seem to withdraw or are extremely silent during meetings may be lacking in confidence. They may have some fantastic ideas but are simply scared to share them, as their confidence is low.

By involving your people in meetings, those who are lacking confidence will usually be quiet during this time - many people are. They don't have the courage to speak up when it's needed, but if you do a round table discussion maybe they will open up more and that will help their confidence, as long as you ensure that what they say is valued and certainly not ridiculed by anyone.

Focus on making your employees know that you have an open door policy, not only for problems but for suggestions too. Impress upon them that no idea they have is considered stupid or unimportant, because you never know how many great ideas are sitting out there hidden by a lack of confidence to come forward.

As you take the time to improve employees' confidence, they will come out with more valuable contributions.

So, as you make sure that you let your employees know when they are doing something well, it really can make the difference and build confidence significantly. - 31984

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